Perhaps no home appliance is more important than a good air conditioning unit. A/C units work hard to not only cool the air but to keep it fresh and clean, too.

But like most things, your A/C unit is only as good as it is clean. Regular cleaning and maintenance keeps the air flowing at peak performance, but it also flushes out mold and chemical build-up from your A/C. An at home mold test could prove to be useful to find out if your home has mold build-up – which would indicate that your air-con unit needs a thorough cleaning! Additionally, you must know that A/C units use refrigerants to maintain an optimal temperature in your home, which can make it susceptible to gas buildup.

Thus, if you have an old A/C system that has caused you more problems than positives, then you may want to look into a HVAC System Upgrade for an all-around important boost that can keep you going throughout the year. If you do not need an upgrade, just a good clean, then read on to learn more.

You wake up one morning and hear an unwelcome sound-your AC is making a humming sound, and it will not turn off. The first thing you might think is, “The compressor has burned out.” The compressor in an AC unit is usually designed to go bad before the rest of the system. The fan, condenser coils, and heat exchanger are designed to last much longer than the compressors, so you may be surprised to learn that your AC requires regular cleaning to keep it running properly.

Air conditioning is not a luxury; it is a need. Without it, summers are unbearable. But air conditioning is not exactly easy to maintain, either. So, how do you keep the inside of your home cool without spending a fortune at the AC repair shop?

The summer heat seems to be relentless these days. Do not let your AC break you, especially if it is an older model. Your AC may be old, but it is still one of the most efficient appliances in your home.

Seven tips to help you clean your AC to improve efficiency and save you money on your monthly power bill.

  1. Get out the dirt

First, vacuum your AC filter and coils to get rid of any dirt or other debris. Then, use a dry cloth or paper towel to knock off any remaining dust before wiping the coils clean.

  1. Check for leaks

Next, make sure your AC is not leaking. Run a drip pan test to detect leaks. To do the test, put a dishpan underneath the drip pan. As long as the lid of the pan does not touch the dishpan, the drip pan is working correctly.

  1. Clean the drain

It is normal to want to check and replace the air conditioner filters from time to time, but cleaning the AC drain might be an even better idea. The drain line might be clogged, which could negatively affect the AC’s efficiency.

  1. Clean the Evaporator

Wash the outside of your unit with a garden hose, paying particular attention to the fins and coils. Wipe them down with a soft cloth. Dirty air conditioners can damage the evaporator coil, causing it to leak. This makes it harder for the air conditioner to cool the air, so it becomes harder and more expensive for the air conditioner to cool your home.

  1. Clean the Blower

Remove the blower and vacuum it. Wipe down the blower with a can of compressed air, then lightly wipe any dust from the blower housing. The blower in your AC is responsible for transporting air throughout the home and removing air impurities. When it gets dirty, that airflow becomes less efficient, causing your system to work harder to keep you cool.

  1. Check Electrical Connections

Check the electrical connections on your AC unit, and see if you see signs of damage such as cracks, corrosion, or loose connections. If you notice any of these, get in touch with the professionals providing electric repair services and HVAC tune ups in Manassas, or wherever you reside. This is important not only to ensure the efficiency of the air conditioning unit, but also to safeguard people living within the space.

  1. Run the Air Conditioner

Running the air conditioner is a summertime tradition for many families. But running it too often or too hard can not only increase your utility bills but can also have a negative impact on your air conditioning unit. Run it to see how it works, and note if any issues are cropping up. If you see water leakage from the internal AC unit or a lack of cooling efficiency, you may have to consult a professional ac repair va beach company (or elsewhere) to resolve the issue.

Running the AC in hot weather can be dreadful for your monthly budget during summer. Why not turn it on before coming home with the help of automation technology? Yes, running your AC costs your money, but running it at the optimal time can save you hundreds of dollars per year. So, if you use the AC, you might as well run it the right way.